Anyone with a good slice of creativity can fire up Photoshop and whip out a good looking banner in a jiff - but not anyone can whip out a banner that’s a click magnet that still - looks good. Not anyone until now. I know I’ve been out for … [Read more...]
Kidblogger’s Two-Step Formula To Online Branding Success
A lot of people have been wondering... "Carl, you haven't given any updates for almost a month." I've been busy. Last last week, I've been interviewed by a TV station. It's my first time to appear on national TV so it's gonna be great. … [Read more...]
Ghostwriting Services – How To Hire A Good Ghostwriter
This article is guest posted by Alan Cheng. Ghostwriting services are much needed in the online money making world. If you struggle to write or have a phobia with writing, then you definitely need to hire a ghostwriter. This article will show you … [Read more...]
Contest Winners, Read This
What a looong anticipation for you guys aye? A month already passed since I threw the chocolates, cakes, information products birthday giveaway contest - and today, I've picked the winners via electronic raffle. It's quite late yes because school … [Read more...]
Attentionitis – Why Shorter Is Better
At-ten-tio-ni-tis is a spreading disease on the internet that impairs a person's ability to focus on a single webpage. This can be acquired by only a few hours of surfing or a few minutes hanging out on video sites like Youtube. Answer the three … [Read more...]