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PPC & Digital Ads Philippines: Pricing of Services in 2021

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Is your business not getting enough organic leads or sales even though you have an aesthetically-pleasing website? Paid Ads are what you need! Boost your online visibility, and in turn generate more leads and sales through online advertising. Don’t get left behind by your competitors. Avail of our Ads Management Services to achieve the goals you have set for your company!

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  • Unlimited Keywords
  • A/B Testing
  • Detailed Monthly Reports
  • Ads Budget of Up to P100,000
  • 1 Platform Only (Facebook, Google, etc.)
  • P25,000/month
    (Plus your Ads budget of up to P100,000/month)


  • Unlimited Keywords
  • A/B Testing
  • Detailed Monthly Reports
  • Ads Budget of Up to P200,000
  • 2 Platforms (Facebook, Google, etc.)
  • P35,000/month
    (Plus your Ads budget of up to P200,000/month)


  • Unlimited Keywords
  • A/B Testing
  • Detailed Monthly Reports
  • Ads Budget of Up to P400,000
  • 4 Platforms (Facebook, Google, etc.)
  • P50,000/month
    (Plus your Ads budget of up to P400,000/month)

    What You get

    Ads Management Inclusions

    Unlimited Keywords

    There are no limits to the amount of keywords in your campaign. As long as it is valuable to your product or service, then we will add it to the list of keywords. The same applies to negative keywords too!

    A/B Split Testing

    All ads will be done with A/B split testing to get better results in the long run. We’ll be able to tell which works and which doesn’t.

    Detailed Monthly Reports

    We are always 100% transparent with our clients. You will know exactly where your budget is spent and why it was used.


    Retargeting is an important aspect of ads management. Specifically target people who have visited your website or has done any other action with your company. These people are more likely to convert compared to other people who haven’t seen anything about your business.

    our founder

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    “Having a website gives authority to you and whatever business you do, and it means that you’re really serious in what you’re doing.” Read more about our founder, Carl Ocab.

    Ads Management Service Philippines

    If you still have doubts whether or not you need Ads management and what to expect from ads, continue reading the articles below!

    1. Importance of Ads Management
    2. Ads vs SEO
    3. Facebook Ads vs Google Ads
    4. Questions To Ask Before Starting Your Own Google Ads Campaign

    Importance of Ads Management

    In today’s world, marketing is gradually shifting to Digital Marketing compared to Traditional Marketing. Gone are the days wherein companies can only advertise their businesses through newspaper, TV, or radio ads. Digital Marketing is the future!

    Do you wonder why you aren’t getting a lot of sales or leads even if you have a beautiful website? Probably because you aren’t running ads! It is important to be seen online by your target market. If they don’t see your brand anywhere, why would they buy from you? Even if you have your own website, and even if you appear on search results, if people do not know who you are, they wouldn’t buy from you.

    It is important for anyone’s website to appear on top of search results because around 67% of all clicks go to the top 5 search results. It is hard to notice you if you are always at the bottom of search results. So, if you are in a situation like this, the fastest way to be visible online is through online ads, like Facebook or Google ads.

    Our Ads Management service goes hand in hand with our SEO services. SEO typically takes more time to get your desired results. It is a great long-term investment for your business. Meanwhile, Ads are important because it gets results quickly. So, while waiting for results on SEO, you can get results immediately from Ads.

    During the first quarter of 2019, it was recorded that Facebook had 2.37B average monthly users. You can easily reach thousands of people in a day with a single ad on Facebook. On the other hand, Google averages around 3.5 billion searches every single day, which amounts to a whopping 1.2 trillion searches every year. These figures clearly show the potential reach of ads on both Facebook and Google.

    On top of all these great numbers, digital advertising is definitely much cheaper than traditional advertising. Typically, in Facebook and Google Ads, you only need to pay them for every click your ad gets. It doesn’t matter if your ad was shown to 100,000 people or 1,000 people. What matters is the amount of clicks you get. Unlike in traditional marketing, you pay a fixed rate depending on the space (newspaper ads) or run time (TV ads). Furthermore, in digital marketing, there is audience targeting. You can specifically target your audience from their gender, age, income, interests, and a lot more. Unlike in traditional marketing, wherein the audience is generally random or not specific.

    Ads vs SEO

    What matters more, Ads or SEO? The only correct answer is it depends on your goal. Ads management and SEO go together, which is why they are both offered by digital marketing agencies. Before talking about their differences, what are Ads and SEO? There are Facebook ads and Google ads. Facebook Ads are usually “sponsored posts” that are found on newsfeeds. Meanwhile, Google Ads are either done through Search Engine Marketing or through the Google Display Network. In contrast, SEO is the process of getting traffic from organic or free search results. Basically, there are two differences between them. The first one is the time needed to achieve desired results and the second difference is the type of traffic coming to your website.

    Time Frame of Goals
    The first difference is the time frame in completing goals. In Ads Management, you can easily reach thousands of people in just a few hours after starting an ad campaign. Even just after a few days, you can already see the effects of putting up ads. So, Ads Management is needed more for short-term goals wherein you can get results quickly. On the other hand, SEO is for long-term goals. It usually takes more time before getting your desired results. It takes a lot of link-building and keyword planning before it can be executed. Typically, SEO needs at least four months before seeing results. It depends on the competitiveness of the target keywords.

    Type of Traffic
    The second difference is the type of traffic coming to your website. In Ads, traffic that is coming to your site is called “paid traffic”. You pay Facebook or Google for every click your ads get which is why you “paid” for the traffic. On the contrary, in SEO, traffic comes from organic or free search results. Whenever someone searches for something on google, organic results are shown. When these organic results are clicked, you do not need to pay Google for that click. So, SEO services are focused on achieving better search rankings for your website on the right keywords. Therefore, traffic coming to your website because of SEO is free and organic.

    Even with these differences, it is still best to have Ads and do SEO at the same time. While waiting for the results of SEO, you are already getting leads or sales through Facebook and Google Ads. So, both short-term and long-term goals are met.

    Facebook Ads Vs. Google Ads

    Facebook and Google are the top online platforms for posting ads. Facebook averages 2 billion users monthly, while Google averages more than 3 billions searches per day. Both of these tech giants are undoubtedly part of the daily lives of a lot of people in the whole world, which is why the potential ad reach is almost limitless. But which platform should you use if you only have to choose one? Let us discuss the strengths of each platform to help you pick which suits you best.

    Facebook Ads
    Facebook is the most well-known social media site in the world. Billions of users are actively using Facebook everyday. People post a lot of personal things, from anniversaries to place of work to schools attended, on Facebook. So, with all these information from different kinds of people every day, Facebook ads have a great way of targeting audiences. Advertisers can target specific groups of people without having to waste the time and news feed space of other groups of people who are not interested in your company or business. Furthermore, Facebook can create “look-alike” audiences, which mirrors the similar traits and information of another targeted group. In addition, Facebook is a highly-visual platform compared to the text-based ads of Google Search Ads. On Facebook, you need an excellent photo to accompany your post. So, advertisers have the strong compelling factors brought by a powerful visual tool and the opportunity to complement it with an excellent caption to further boost the effectiveness of your ad.

    Google Ads
    Google is the most used search engine in the world. It averages around 40,000 searches per second. Imagine the amount of people using Google every single second of the day. These are all potential targeted audience for you and your business. Google also provides a great way to target your audience. You can select audiences based on their age, gender, income, and a lot more. You can make sure that your ads are only shown to people who are likely to become customers. Let us not take for granted the immense potential reach of Google.
    Another great thing about Google is the level playing field of advertisers. Just because you have a higher budget, it doesn’t mean that you will always be on top. Google always makes sure that the results and ads that they show are high-quality and highly-relevant to the search query of the person using Google. So, as long as your ads are relevant to the query of a person and as long as it has a good ad quality, your ads will show up.

    In summary, both Google and Facebook have their own unique selling points which is why they are the top of their industry. Instead of looking at them as adversaries, look at them as complementary to each other. It wouldn’t hurt to use both Facebook and Google as platforms for your ad campaigns. Good luck!

    Questions to ask before starting your Google Ads Campaign

    Planning to create a Google ads campaign but don’t know how to begin? Let us help you out! Starting your Google ads campaign feels intimidating at first. But, once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier. Here are the essential questions you need to ask yourself before creating your Google ads campaign.

    What is my goal for this campaign?
    Before doing anything, you first need to think about your goal. Do you want to drive more traffic to your site? More sales? Or do you just need people to sign-up for your newsletters? You have to decide what your goal is because a lot of things would depend on it. Your campaign settings will differ based on your goal. An important part that will be affected by your goal is the ad copy of your advertisements. Your advertisement should be relevant to what your goal is. You should talk about what you are offering in your ad so that people would know the purpose of your ad.

    Who is my target audience?
    Another thing to think about before starting your campaign is your target audience. Google Ads has a great way to target your audience. You can target them by age, interests, location, gender, and a lot more. Know your target audience first, so that your ads aren’t shown to people who are unlikely to be your customers. This is also a good way to avoid wasting your ad budget by getting clicks from people who are unlikely to purchase or get services from you. In short, list down all the groups of people you are targeting in order for your campaign to be shown to potential customers only.

    What are my targeted keywords?
    It is important to know which keywords you have to target. Imagine that you are in the shoes of your potential customer. What will you type in the search bar if you want to buy a product that you are selling? Think of the important keywords that you need to target so that your ads will only be shown when it is necessary. If you are looking to make a sale, think of the keywords that users will put if they have the intent to make a purchase. You can put negative keywords too! For example, you can put “free” as a negative keyword if you are selling a product. This is also important to note so that you will not waste your budget by getting clicks from people without any intent to buy.

    How will I structure my campaign?
    Before creating your campaign, it is best to make an outline of the structure of your campaign. Know which keywords go into which ad group, so that the ads that you create under that ad group are relevant to the keywords that you are targeting. List down each ad group that you are making. Then, under those ad groups, place the keywords and audiences you are targeting. It is important to do this so that everything is in order. When everything is in order, you can see which ads or ad groups are performing well, then learn to adjust along the way.

    Time to Create Your Google Ads Campaign
    These are just some of the important questions you have to ask yourself before creating your Google Ads Campaign. Just remember to know what you want and what you have before creating anything. Be mindful of how you structure your campaign so that you won’t get confused which ads are doing better than others. Always remember to learn from your mistakes and fix them accordingly. But, if you need professional help, sign up for our ads management services!

    Simplified 3-Step Process to

    Digital Ads

    Step 1 Landing Page Analysis

    We will be analyzing your whole website in order for our ads to be coherent and relevant with your landing pages. This is to ensure that we will get good quality scores with our keywords and ads.

    Step 2 Plan

    After the analysis, we will create an ads strategy (includes target audience, placements, etc.) for your approval.

    Step 3 Execute

    After your approval, we will now start your ads campaign!

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    • Leave it to Carl’s team to effectively boost the online presence of your business! My husband and I availed of Carl’s Digital Marketing Services to widen the reach of our restaurant via social media.

      Korinne Ortega ⋅ Entrepreneur
      Manila, Philippines
    • We really enjoyed working with Carl Ocab Digital Marketing. They did a wonderful job in helping us achieve a higher search ranking. Tagaytay Highlands started with a 6-month SEO contract. During that campaign, they were able to improve the ranking of all the keywords that we’re optimizing. Organic search has become our top channel and we also hit a new record of monthly users as reported by Google Analytics. Now, our team has decided to renew the contract with them and we also hired them to redesign our website.
      Brian Reyes ⋅ Digital Lead, Tagaytay Highlands.
      Manila, Philippines
    • Carl Ocab and his team have been amazing web design and development partners. They are professional, easy to work with and very responsive. I’d highly recommend them if you are looking for a new website!
      David Reske ⋅ President, Nowspeed Inc.
      Massachusetts, USA
    • We have really enjoyed working with Carl Ocab Internet Marketing Services. We use them for our WordPress website development, and they have been fantastic. They are very responsive (within a day) and interpret all of my instructions flawlessly. I also like the fact that they are proactive with suggestions on how to implement changes to the site. They do not need exact step-by-step instructions. If they have a better idea, they’ll share it with you. I will definitely continue using their services for our agency!
      Barbara Ingram ⋅ Creative Director, The Paramount Group.us Inc.
      Florida, USA
    • Carl created an amazing website for PlayBook. It’s creative, modern and tasteful design are in line with our business image. He was very thorough and dependable. I appreciate the fact that a project management tool was used to track our daily progress and milestones. Thank you and looking forward to more projects with you.
      Richard Brojan ⋅ Entrepreneur
      Manila, Philippines