Seth Godin
Today is one of the most exciting and honorable day of the “My Best Blog Tip” series.
For today’s guest is a very very special person. A demigod in the internet according to Forbes, the author of 9 best selling books and one of the most popular ebook in the internet “The Idea Virus” Founder of Yoyodyne which was acquired by Yahoo in 1998 and the remarkable Squidoo where anyone can become a lensmaster and make a webpage for free.
Please welcome our guest to give his best blog tip EVER – Seth Godin
His Best Blog Tip EVER:
Be patient. Do good work, keep doing good work and then do more good work. That’ll pay off.
I know, we know it’s obvious. My parents have told me that LOADS of times and I bet their parents also told that to them too. We tend to overlook things which are right in front of us. We think that these tips are old fashioned that might not work anymore because we think that we’re in the internet age where all things are advanced and techie. These are timeless principles, it will never be changed. It’s the law of nature. It’s the golden rule. It’ll work work work.
And one last thing, I honestly expected a long one from this guy because he’s the guru of the gurus. When I read his tip at first I was like very disappointed, but when I reread it several times. It was like yeah that’s right, I get it. It’s one of the best blog tip EVER.
Courtney Tuttle
On the last episode of the Best Blog Tip EVER, we’ve exposed Seth Godin’s short but remarkable tip – that is not only for blogging, but life in general.
For today, we will be having someone who has been in the make money online niche for some time, a rising blogger on full-throttle and the founder of BloggingZoom (A Digg for bloggers) Please welcome the 5th person to give his best blog tip ever, Courtney Tuttle:
His Best Blog Tip EVER:
Never, ever settle for being mediocre. If you are content with mediocre that’s what you’re going to create – a mediocre blog. If you believe that you can create an elite level blog, you can. If you truly believe in yourself, the ideas will come. All that’s left is continuing to put one foot in front of the other.
The last two sentences that Court gave is very powerful. What you think of, you attract.
Liz Strauss
We’ve managed to snatch Nate Whitehill and Yaro Starak’s Best Blog Tip for this series and it seems like we’re on fire!
For today’s guest, we have a she, but not only that… because the other two bloggers who gave their best blog tip here have entrepreneurial blood flowing in their bodies, I’ve invited a woman with a different perspective on blogging, it’s not really about yourself, it’s also about “them” It’s about being generous and kind to others, please warmly welcome our first she blogger to gave her best blog tip: Liz Strauss from Successful-Blog:
My Best Blog Tip Ever is NOT the Content is King!!
When I put them all together, roll them up and think about it. One value stands out as the center of everything. If you want to have a blog that is successful and outstanding, keep you where it counts on the folks who read.
Just as you might pick the qualities you want in a future love or a university, decide from the start what qualities you want in your readers then go about building a blog that makes them feel that your blog is where they want to be. Choose your blog them with them in mind. Write content about what they’re interested in, when someone who comments respond as if he or she fits the bill perfectly.
Link to articles they want to read. Point them to other blogs they will find interesting. Build your blogroll with your readers in mind. Talk about them in your blog posts. Use them as examples. Quote when they say incredibly interesting things.
Make everything you about THEM not about you — even promotion. It seems to be a secret or some sort of scary thing, but it’s a fact nonetheless that best self-promotion is to promote other people, so why not your readers? They will appreciate it.
That’s it. My best blog tip ever. It’s a matter of generosity. It’s a fact of the universe that the more you give away the more that comes back to you.
New Feature Coming Next!
On the last issue, I asked for some suggestions from you guys, only several people replied but special thanks toAdsense Annie for giving me this wonderful idea.
To spice up the series, I will also ask the blogger his worst blog mistake EVER, we don’t have to do it again, we just learn from their mistakes!
Now, you don’t want to miss that don’t you? Take the chance to subscribe to my full feed RSS
Yaro Starak
The last “best blog tip” by my friend Nate Whitehill was a big hit. I’m sure tons of people like it, in fact I love it!
For today, our special guest is a BIG daddy in the blogosphere who blogged for more than 2 years, a young entrepreneur and a friendly guy. Warmly welcome the second dude to give his best blog tip ever… Yaro Starak of Entrepreneur’s Journey!
His Best Blog Tip EVER:
My best blog tip ever is to have faith and be motivated by your end goal, but realize in order to get there you have to take a step each day.
Most bloggers fail before they reach success for no other reason than giving up too early. There is no more powerful blog-killing force than the blogger themselves giving up due to boredom, despair or lack of results early on.
Ask bloggers who make it big and they will tell you that they had to push through all the same feelings and just keep working.
Work consistently and persistently at a few key things and you will be rewarded – that’s not a maybe, that is a guarantee!
If you post articles and do a little marketing each day you will get there, but you have to be wary of your own emotions as they will do all kinds of things to convince you to give up.
Make The Next Episodes Better, Suggestion Box Is Open!
Ok, I’m just one kid so I guess my ideas aren’t enough for this series, but I have this “itchy” feeling inside that we can make this series better, more fun and more exiting. Now I’m asking for your help, drop your suggestions below thru a comment and I’ll have a look. I’ll joyfully (what a word!) appreciate it
Best ones gets some linklove ;)
Nate Whitehill
There are actually thousands of blog tips roaming around the big big big blogosphere today, and it’s really hard to cope up, I can’t even cope up to 50 blogs in my feed reader.
That inspired me to invent something different. Something that is very straight to the point. Something that when you read it, you’ll learn something.
What could be easier than that other than learning from the experts, the big daddies?!
Heck, it’s a win win situation, we learn from them and they learn from us, because giving your best tip isn’t that easy as you think. You need to stand on it till the end.
So, please welcome our first blogger to give his best blog tip EVER, Nate Whitehill of natewhitehill dot com.
Nate has been blogging for 9 months and currently maintaining 700 feed readers daily. He blogs about business, entrepreneurship and also blogging.
His Best Blog Tip Ever:
My number one tip for new bloggers is to clearly identify the purpose and focus of their blog. For many people here, the purpose is to make money online. For others, the purpose is to market their business or services. And for some people, their purpose is only to meet and share information with other individuals.
The reason that it is so important to identify your blog’s purpose and focus is simple: one of the main reasons most blogs fail or die is because there is no focus. In other words, many blogs are trying to do too much or pretend they are something that they are not.
For example, the focus for my blog, is to share my business experience with other entrepreneurs. I am not trying to monetize my blog or tell people that I will show them how to make money online. At the same time, it certainly is not just a collection of my personal ramblings. Like I said, the focus is business with an emphasis on using blogging as a marketing tool.
My purpose is to network myself with other like minded individuals and also chronicle the progress of my business development. Sometimes I talk about my business, but most of the time I post articles only with the hopes of providing useful information to other people.
So, remember, before you start blogging, or if you already have started, clearly identify (and write down, if you have to) the purpose and focus of your blog.
Don’t Miss it!
That’s it, what an excellent tip from Nate! I would like to personally thank you for being the first blogger to participate.
This series will go on and on until we finish all the great bloggers out there (I think we won’t. There could be one sprouting the next day and so on and I’ll do this only once per week) and remember,these tips are exclusively given for this series.
Don’t miss any of those amazing tips from the great bloggers, subscribe to this blog’s full feed RSS!
“Adequate But Not Very Good”
Yup, sometimes it really happens! To come up with something that is really really unique to everyone is to give quality time and quality effort and of course some understanding on what you are doing!
That is probably the best tip you can get! I think a lot of people have so much potential but since they don’t believe they can be great, they are not great.
I recently joined BloggingZoom and have been impressed with the results – now I know why – the founder has the right attitude.
This is a very very very good tip.
That’s so powerful. It really kick you on the back and tell you to get on to be great.
Good advice…if you sit around doing what other people do, you’ll end up with the same old boring blog.
impressive work by a kid..
i need to go 10 years back and be a successor to get same level as yours..