This aritcle is guest posted by Caden Grant.
Today, I was sitting at my computer desk trying thinking of something to blog about. I sat around for quite some time trying to think of something but nothing came to my mind. Then I finally thought of something. I thought I should write a post of ideas to blog about when you have no clue what you want to blog about. Updating is very important in blogging so what if you run out of ideas to blog about? Pretty much every blogger gets writing block and it’s not fun. So here are a few ideas to help you out when don’t have any ideas.
1. Go to Google!
I personally think Google is one of the best things that ever happened. I use it a bunch and it can be a great tool to use for a bunch of stuff, and when you don’t know what to blog about. Make a search of things to blog about or new stuff that’s going on like hot trends. I’m sure you’ll find an idea to make a post about there.
2. Keep a list/journal of things to blog about
This is what I do and it really helps. Sometimes I’ll just be doing whatever and an idea will pop into my head about what to blog about. So, I keep a journal and I just write each idea down. This way if you’re ever thinking of something to blog about, you just get out your journal and pick a topic from there.
3. Maybe re post an old post?
Perhaps if you made a blog entry a few months or years ago you can take one of your old posts and revise it to make it better and re post it. Perhaps you’ve learned more since then and have some new ideas you would like to include.
4. Take a nap or go to bed
Sometimes when you think too hard it can be very frustrating and mind-boggling and you just need to relax and get some rest. Go take a nap or go to bed and when you wake up you might feel refreshed and you might think of a new idea. Maybe even take a few days off and do stuff you like to enjoy. Give your mind a rest and when you come back later it might be a little easier.
5. Write a tutorial
Maybe you could write a tutorial to teach some of your readers to do something. For instance, write a tutorial on Web design, how to make money online blogging, etc, depending on the type of website or blog you have. Whatever you do, try not to go off topic.
6. Reply to a readers question
This is always a good idea for something to blog about. Take a question that one or some of your readers have asked you and address it in a post to inform the readers. Readers always like when the blogger themselves interacts with them.
7. Tell your readers to ask you some questions
Make a post where you tell your readers to ask you any questions they want. Then once they’ve submitted their questions, you can answer a few of them in a new blog post. This is always a good idea because you can gain loyalty from your readers and it’s an extra thing to post about when you don’t have any ideas.
8. Check your email
Check your email. This kind of ties in with 6 and 7 but maybe some readers have sent you a question or an email regarding a certain topic you could cover in a post.
9. Ask somebody
Maybe you could talk to a friend or somebody you know and ask them what would be something interesting to blog about that they would like to learn about. This might not work if they have no clue really about what you’re trying to do but it’s possible. I myself have come up with a few blog posts this way.
10. Interview somebody
Interview somebody. Interview a blogger. In most cases many people won’t mind sharing some information with you. Write up a few questions and be prepared in case they say yes. Perhaps they’ll make a post about you linking back to your site resulting in some more traffic!
So, if you ever get writers block, try a few of these ideas out for yourself and see how they work and most likely you’ll come up with something!
Leon - Make Money Online says
Great article. Personally, though, I don’t believe in reposting old articles. If you have some loyal readers, they will recognize it and get upset.
I actually suggest that instead, you make a post that links to a bunch of older posts about the same topic, kind of like a blogging carnival.
Caden Grant says
Yeah that would work too. That’s a pretty good idea.
Daily Mezze says
Thanks for the tips. This happens to me at times. I usually do #4 and it’s true, when I wake up, I usually have a lot of ideas in mind. Nice post! :-)
Aaron Walker says
Those are some good ideas to help end the writer’s block, but you definitely shouldn’t blog about any of them. New title? =]
Caden Grant says
Yeah sorry I guess I wasn’t thinking. I named the post before I started writing and I kind of took a different approach and forgot to change the name. Oops :P. But why should you definitely not blog about any of them? You could blog about those to teach your readers how to do them ;).
Make Money Home says
It can sometimes be hard to find inspiration for your next post, I like your suggestions and think that you can expand on them with reading the news/watching tv can be a big help commenting on current relevant topics that people are interesting so being proactive rather than reactive to a story that you can blog on. I also think paid reviews can work, I think that sometimes you need to pay for high end people to post on your site, if they will post in exchange for something you can do for them then create that social interaction – meet like minded people.
Mr. X says
After these tips I think I will start blogging right away … I’ve got some ideas and I think it’s time to put some of them into action right now … :) … This is such a great blog !
Caden Grant says
I’m glad my tips helped you decide to start your blog. Good luck!
Make Money Tips says
Really A nice Post,
I normally Reply To My Users Comment,
And Even Some Times I Make A post Where I answer Some One Else Comment I have Seen On Another Blog
Allen Taylor - Taylor's Internet Marketing Blog says
I subscribe to every RSS feed that I can find within my niche and when I can’t think of anything to write about I scour the titles of blog posts in my reader. When I find something that hits me then I write a blog post about a similar topic. If the title is interesting enough I’ll read the post and sometimes I’ll respond to a comment in that post and send a trackback to the author. RSS feeds are where I get about 30% of my ideas from.
Caden Grant says
That’s a good idea to think of new posts. I usually look through other blogs in my niche and go over a topic I liked or maybe elaborate on it.
Mark says
I like the idea of using the strange holidays like “Fig Newton Day” or “Change the batteries in your…” as grist for the mill. See McGraw/Chase’s holidays or for the lists. Wikipedia articles of the day are another good source. – Mark from
Lisa Tolliver says
Great posts, Carl and commenters. (Kudos to that other prodigy, Gloson, whose “9 tips” link led me here.) I found myself nodding while reading your useful tips, partly because I’ve found they apply just as well to posting to other social media (e.g., Twitter, podcasts), fulfilling certain emcee/public speaking gigs, and hosting talk radio shows as they do to blogging. I look forward to reading more at Carl Ocab.
Jacob says
Hey! For #1, I would go to
to find out what the most popular google searches and websites are RIGHT NOW!
Hop it helps! :)
john liming says
Well bless my britches! I just happened on to this Blog about blogging and I find that it is one of the cleanest and neatest and easiest to read and most useful little things that I have found in a long time. I Blog a lot and I always need all the help I can get because my Blog is growing now. I have even subscribed to Carlocab via e-mail. It is good to have these fresh perspectives that are not too tech-heavy for a simplistic person like myself. I appreciate this blog and recommend it. I am going to look forward to receiving the updates.
randy says
i think taking a nap is a great idea for me :S
Aaron Hung @ says
Thanks forr the tips, I was thinking about the same thing today on what to blog about
Cheryl says
Interviewing somebody is a good idea!
Rambo Ruiz says
I agree 100% on the importance of keeping a journal of thoughts and inspirations will keep a blogger away from tis dilema.
I agree with Leon, reposting an old blog can make some of your followers upset.
Thanks Carl for this post.