It was just another sunny afternoon, slacking around, browsing nonsense websites, hanging out on Twitter – let’s just say, my unproductive time of the day, when suddenly this rad idea popped up in my mind…
What if I do an interview on Twitter LIVE – people are hooked on Twitter, it’s not time consuming (No scheduling, no fancy audio recording, etc.), it’s VERY candid, and it’s fun (Doing an interview in 140 characters or less is something!)
No time to waste, I skimmed my friend’s updates to see who’s Twittering and it so happen to be John was on. Fortunately, John was also online on gTalk so I told him about my idea and I told him that I’d like to do it with him.
“That could be cool!” John said.
So be it, without further ado…
The Twitterview With John Chow
kidblogger: @JohnChow John, welcome to the FIRST Twitter interview, all questions and answers are less than 140 characters. Think you can handle?
JohnChow: @ Sure! But I’m heading home right now so just shoot the question over and I’ll answer them either on the road of when I get home!
kidblogger: @JohnChow No probs, that’s the good thing about this Twitter interview, you can do it wherever, whenever ;-)
kidblogger: @JohnChow So first question: If people ask, who is John Chow, what would you say?
JohnChow: @kidblogger John Chow, a damn fine person, friend of the community, Ultimate Fighting Championship contestant, member of the Save the Whales
kidblogger: @JohnChow What’s the main reason you started
JohnChow: @kidblogger I got tired of staring at my photo that was on the site for the past five years when it was just a site and not a blog.
kidblogger: @JohnChow LOL You didn’t change in years!
kidblogger: @JohnChow Can you tell us a “little” snippet on how you turned your personal blog into this huge celebrity blog? You’re a celebrity now ;-)
JohnChow: @kidblogger I would say by being myself and not pretending to be someone I’m not. With me, what you see is what you get.
kidblogger: @JohnChow I totally agree. Now let’s go a bit technical: Your top 3 ways to generate traffic to a blog?
JohnChow: @kidblogger 1 – hold a viral contest. 2 – Make a guest post on the biggest blog in your niche. 3 – Capture all leads coming to your blog.
kidblogger: @JohnChow Shweet! So one of your relatives just started his own blog and he would like to make money, what tip would you give him?
JohnChow: @kidblogger I tell him to forgot about the money and just blog. The money will come later.
kidblogger: @JohnChow What’s the biggest mistake you did on your blog that still haunts you now?
JohnChow: @kidblogger It may not be the biggest but it is the most costly. I used my own name for the blog. I should have used a more business name.
kidblogger: @JohnChow You hit tons of people with that one (including me LOL). Other than blogging, what do you do online?
JohnChow: @kidblogger I have other sites and I have an ad network. Other stuff I do online is the same as everyone else. chat, email, twitter, etc.
kidblogger: @JohnChow Tell us more about your ad network and what it serves :-)
JohnChow: @kidblogger The ad network, serve product ads for shopping and tech related sites and blogs. Payout is CPC based.
kidblogger: @JohnChow That’s great! So I think this is enough to set the record of the world’s FIRST Twitter interview aye? Any final words of wisdom?
JohnChow: @kidblogger If you can make something for a little less than your competition and sell it for a little more, you’re doing OK!
kidblogger: @JohnChow Alright! So that’s it John, thanks for doing the interview. Are you going to post about this on your blog after I compile it? :-P
JohnChow: @kidblogger Sure! I’ll link you up.
kidblogger: @JohnChow Haha, you’re the man! I’ll just twit the link later on. Talk to you soon John :-)
What Do You Think
First of all, kudos to John Chow for doing the Twitterview with me.
Expect more of this from me in the next couple of weeks as I really get the hang of it, heh – but I would LOVE to hear your opinions to improve my next Twitterviews. The comment form below is open for business aye!
Update 2/9/09 10:24PM – It looks like other people have already been doing Twitterviews (Some call it Twinterviews) before. Like I said, it was just a rad idea so I implemented it right way. I would like to leave this quote from my favorite guy, Tony Robbins, “You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.”
That’s so cool! Holding an interview over Twitter which is totally feasible! I believe more of such thing will come in the near future. Carl, you have probably started another trend!
Pretty cool! Nice interview of Chow…
I like when new concepts show up and connect previous concepts together. You have presented this in a friendly fashion, and in an entertaining way. Even better is that there is useful information in multiple places in that interview. The image that goes with this post clears up any issues with how the concept is labeled.
I think you two power bloggers have started a new craze in the IM world. I caught part of it live, but did not realized it was a interview. Great job with it!
how old did u say u were carl? hehe! ;-) you’re awesome!! makes pinoys like me real proud. galeng ng pinoy!! always thinking of the darndest and so-cool things! keep it up carl =)
“JohnChow: @kidblogger I tell him to forgot about the money and just blog. The money will come later.”
Lack of planning and not knowing what monetization to use is a big reason MMO bloggers fail. The best thing you could do is tell them to stop MMO blogging and start niche blogging.
wow! your idea is great carl…another creative juice materialized. and your first interview is JC! damn! youre the man carl…
Definitely an interesting way to conduct an interview. As Charles mentioned, this may be the new trend. ;)
Wow! Thats crazy! xD
Another first, but I am sure this will be creating history and others will follow soon. You really are a good trendsetter, Carl.
Well at least, John finally admits using his name is a big mistake and I agree with him. Come to think of it, I wish one time you’ll make a post about using real names for blogs. I am sure many will look forward, which includes me.
It will be interesting to see if Twitterviewing finds enough oxygen outside of the bloggersphere. I may try doing a Twitterview on my regional tourism blog instead of my GroktheNet blog… it would be interesting if I could get a whole other crowd to convert to Twittering and deeper into Web use. Thanks for conducting the experiment, Carl!
It’s nice to see a refreshing break from the usual style of interview, Carl. I second Charles that we are going to see more interviews being done Twitterview style. Good job, Carl!
Really interesting and a cool idea.
Could really be a new trend.
The most interesting thing for me was the fact when you asked him about his biggest mistake. He answered “It may not be the biggest but it is the most costly. I used my own name for the blog. I should have used a more business name.” And guess what i registered like two days before my own Domain with my name as domain name.. -.-
I could have kicked me in my own ass.
pretty cool ! You use twitter in a great way..
I can’t stop to comment you that it is pretty cool idea to chat with someone popular with huge number of followers on Twitter!!
But what i feel that replying on the Twitter by someone popular like john chow is really rare and depend on his mood…
I really Appreciate you! :)
It is really a cool idea.
If you are interested in interviewing me, just let me know.
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By the way, the most smart question in this interview is the last question:
@JohnChow Alright! So that’s it John, thanks for doing the interview. Are you going to post about this on your blog after I compile it? :-P
smart kid. smart request.
Wow,great post carl.Never in a million years would I though that interview on twitter would be possible,but then you did it!
I like this interview. I have not known that interviewing popular blogger could get juice link to your site. Thank you Carlo.
hi carl, you are really doing good. Have you interview pinoy bloggers? I just want to know how really far that pilipino doing in the field of blogging.
yung blog ko kasi wala pa kita. I know it is too early to expect some earning. pero kahit singkong duling wala pa. hehehe
Cool interview. I also think that is important to act on your ideas quickly otherwise you normally forget them or lose interest.