I must admit this blog has been inactive.
Today I’ll revive it – and this time, it’s on.
The last couple of months I got the most severe case of… guess what?
Seriously, I’ve been juggling 5 projects. Add to that the holidays plus school work (I’m at senior year, high school)
All this time I’ve been blind. Multi tasking…
- Made me work more
- And work more…
BUT with all those work, believe it or not, my earnings decreased.
The TRUE Secret
With that experience, I realized how important the tip “focus” is. I knew it before and I’ve heard of it a lot of times but I never really paid that much attention to it.
But before that, let me show some examples (cause i find it funny that even before, focus really IS the true secret)
300 – 300 Spartans fought thousands of Persian soldiers by focusing on one little narrow pass called Thermopylae. They funneled all the Persian soldiers in one pass and concentrated on only one side.
Blitzkrieg – The infamous blitzkrieg, focus on one single area and flood em’ with tanks, soldiers and air power. Served the German pretty well.
NBA – Ok that’s a weird jump but I think that also proves that FOCUS can be, should be applied anywhere.
Most players on the NBA before (way back! The time when they didn’t have a 3 point line) were all rounded. To play you have to be good at dribbling, shooting, rebounding and all skills. But look how players play today, each player focuses on 1 skill. One is good at dribbling, one at shooting, one at rebounding then they put it all together. They play better.
How did that happen? Because each player were able to train and master a specific skill instead of practicing all of it to get well rounded.
Here’s The Game Plan…
Now let’s put that into a business perspective. Let’s say you’ve got 3 projects. Each project consists of 3 weeks of work, on the 3rd week you make money.
The multitasker, let’s call him Thomas just for the sake of sounding cool, would do:
Week 1 – Project 1
Week 2 – Project 2
Week 3 – Project 3
Week 4 – Project 1
Week 5 – Project 2
Week 6 – Project 3
Week 7 – Complete Project 1 and Make Money!
Week 8 – Complete Project 2 and Make Money!
Week 9 – Complete Project 3 and Make Money!
That means it took Thomas 7 weeks before he started making money.
Now here’s Hocus Focus Max would do:
Week 1 – Project 1
Week 2 – Project 1
Week 3 – Complete Project 1 and Make Money!
Week 4 – Project 2
Week 5 – Project 2
Week 6 – Complete Project 2 and Make Money!
Week 7 – Project 3
Week 8 – Project 3
Week 9 – Complete Project 3 and Make Money!
The Blind Side
(Coincidental title, heh. Saw the movie btw – very touching and inspirational)
To me this is very crucial because I’ve missed this for a long time.
As you can see, Thomas makes money on weeks 7, 8 and 9 but Hocus Focus Max makes money on weeks 3, 6 and 9. That means Max makes money earlier and if Max is even smarter, he’ll use that money to finish the other projects faster.
Thomas however, makes money on the last 3 weeks – but that doesn’t include the time between switching projects to work on.
Great post man
Great post. Well thought out and good military comparisons. It’s very true that multi tasking takes away from overall productivity. I can tell you because that is what i am doing now and it is taking me away from writing my latest ebook….lol
Keep the good stuff coming,
Gregg Zban
Keeping Internet Marketing Simple
I have the same problem as you. Whereby I tried to do everything all at once. I didn’t focus on one thing at a time and thus my earnings was rather slow.
Lesson learn!
– Abang Long
Hi Carl,
The same thing actually has been happening to me for around a year now! Sometimes I think I must have ADD, lol! I get too bored of something and then move on to the second project. Or whenever I try to focus, project one takes forever.
Now I’m going to start reading more on self discipline. I think that’s what I’m lacking.
Good luck!
Haha, LOL. I think I have the worst case of ADD to date! :-D
Hi Carlo,
you just got me thinking, I am reding so much different stuff at the moment the mind “Boggles”, do this do that read this read that. To much information takes you away from the goal you have set.
Anyway I am still learning and slowly getting there must stop reading and start doing!
Thanks for the get back down to earth tip!
Cold and snowed in Germany :)
at least you have guest bloggers writing for you.. :-)
I like the hocus focus max gameplan but I think I’m more like “thomas..” lols
It’s really hard to switch to Hocus Focus Max’s gameplan but that’s what seperated successful marketers from the mediocre :-)
Excellent tip on multitasking.. I too have been less productive when I attended to multiple projects at the same time.. Told myself I won’t do it but I’m still doing.. Now I have ‘Thomas’ to think of, that would stop me and think.. Thnx!
You’re absolutely right. Focus is everything. In reality there is no such thing as multi-tasking. Its impossible. What it actually is, is jumping around in an inefficient way from task to task without actually completing anything.
Hey Carlo,,
Thank you,,you have a great idea of it!
Everyone of us has a different life style and strategy,,but most important of all are FOCUS,- focus on wat your doing, THINK- think on wat are you going to do and above all put God 1st in your heart,,
Madz =)
Multi-tasking — as I’ve recently learned from Tim Ferris — is your computer’s job. You however, will benefit a lot from focus.
Nice post Carl. Reminding everyone that more isn’t always the better.
Thanks for this post Ocab, it’s usefull and opened my mind about internet marketing :)
yeah i think its funny too after i realize it when read your posting. so inspiring must have brain to i think if you want do like that and realize it.
Focus is a great trait for success.
Having more than one project or niche is also awesome.
Today I’ve a portfolio of niches, unfortunately am more motivated by the “cash cows” and end up not giving enough attention to products making less money.
Need advise on this one too.
Your post is quite interesting. If you will Focused on one subject and invest quality time then ultimately you will achieve success.
Hello Carl…
All the advice I’m seeing is that we should focus and avoid multi-tasking. So for me, this is nothing new. But I have to thank you somehow because you gave me an idea of having a short-term project completed within 3 weeks!
Yeah its really hard Multi tasking :)) Great post bro :)
Dude, whatcha doin’ here? ;-)
Just passing by.. :))
Nice post, i agree totally. Multi tasking is one way to get things done; but i agree with Greg zban on how overall productivity does suffer. I’m experiencing it myself a little. And i guess it’s all about the learning process, and refining your strategies to give you the best results ;)
Hey Carl,
Great post on what makes some people so successful at Internet marketing. I made the mistake of trying to multi task thinking it would make me more money. All it did was cost me money and lose focus. Hopefully, more marketers will teach this concept to newbies, as it’s really too important a factor to be left out.
Theo Encarnado
Useful stuff Carl, Thanks for the ideas.
hahaha! I’m kinda guilty with this Carl. I do so many projects without focus, until now, those projects still aren’t earning much for me. I guess I really have to finish 1 project at a time. :) Thanks for the great post carl! :)
I’m happy though that some of the projects are already done. Time for reaping. hehe! :)
Hey this is a great website. Love to hear that you are to doing well with your money.
Focus is not a hocus pocus, it easier said than done :( I always find myself distracted by new shiny things when working on my project. So to said, I’m focus on implementing new things..haha…thanks for the insight Carlo!