Comments on: Do You Think Entrepreneurship Runs In The Blood? Digital Marketing Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:04:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lorene Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:04:52 +0000 In reply to Halloween Kid.

The expertise shines troughh. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

By: Onlinecashmagnet Mon, 13 Dec 2010 21:32:25 +0000 It’s simply Carl’s interest on this field that made him reach his dream, and also because he put his heart on it and that’s the reason why it’s just easy for him to to get through all these online business line ups and get his way to the top of the rank. Man this young man is so lucky to have started very early and made his way to success.

By: Dave starr Thu, 22 Oct 2009 10:43:15 +0000 I know I am very late to this party, but I’m going to be writing and article or two on this subject and I was just here ‘researching’. To me, Bad Blogger said it all in the very first comment: “I don’t believe entrepreneur runs in the blood, to me everyone is born to be entrepreneur, the problem is the mind set of what a human gone through while his or her is growing up”.

As a foreigner living here in the Philippines I get questions and comments all the time that are ‘blood’ and/or national oriented related. Filipino freinds and sometimes even family often make comments that all kind of sound like, “Well of course, an American can do that, if only a Filipino could.”

As Henry Ford once said, “If you beleive you can, or if you beleive you can’t, you are right.” Blood has nothing to do with it.

By: SEO Servicesd Mon, 15 Jun 2009 23:43:17 +0000 I think being a business owner can be a genetic trait so to speak, but then again, I think plenty aspects of it can be learned, or nurtured with the right mentors.

By: Halloween Kid Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:49:58 +0000 I believe it runs in the blood but some people will become successful despite their parents or family influences. There’s really no way to say how a successful person will come into being.

By: Dean Holland Sat, 06 Jun 2009 19:18:54 +0000 Hey Carl

I dont think entrepreneurship runs in the blood, I think it is something that very early on you develop a liking for. Like when I was born I dont think I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur however for as long as I can remember I always said I would be a millionaire.

I think you develop a taste for success at some point in your life, its how much you want it that determines where you end up.

Happy B’day bro


By: Carl Sat, 06 Jun 2009 07:14:41 +0000 Awesome stuff everyone! I’ll keep you updated – got a bit late with that 69 ways to build backlinks post because of an ISP problem that took me away online for at least 4 days.

By: Ronald Redito Sat, 06 Jun 2009 01:49:29 +0000 Does Entrepreneurship Runs In The Blood?

I really don’t know. Both my mom and dad are not into any business. My mom is a social worker and my dad in a farmer. I am not exposed to any business when I was young. But at an early age, I have think of ways to earn for a living.

When I was in high school, I put up a small business. I was into tshirt printing and other printing jobs. I also ventured into that business when I was in college. But I haven’t really concentrated on it.

Right now, I am thinking on what business to invest in.

By: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 18:13:49 +0000 Happy B-day Carl Ocab, hope you had fun for you bday….however by looking at the video, I think that you need a haircut!! Good haircut, go bald like me, you’ll look though and people won’t call you kidblogger anymore!

By: samo Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:24:09 +0000 Happy birthday. I think if you are from a family that is outgoing and deals with situations an entreprenuer would you learn and pick up the tallent at a young age, this makes you understand the environment and realise that you to could be successful and make money Survey have shown that people with semi successful parents strive for the same lifestyle their parents have
