Make Money Online | Carl Ocab Digital Marketing Sun, 03 May 2020 07:26:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Make Money Online | Carl Ocab 32 32 Conquer The 9-5 With IM Fuse Thu, 28 Jun 2012 13:35:06 +0000 This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by IM Fuse. With the rise of the Internet, programs and products that promise to help you leave that 9-5 grind behind seem to have sprouted up in the thousands. However, you’ll find that some of those programs are just too technical and time-consuming to be worth it, while others offer no value whatsoever. IM Fuse makes many of the same promises those other programs do, but there’s something very different here. What makes IM Fuse stand out from the slew of other options? Simple & Effective Layout One of the first things you’ll notice once you become a member is that IM Fuse offers a simple, effective, intuitive dashboard layout that puts everything within easy reach. You’ll find an introductory video available that really explains what the goal of the program is, recommendations about where to start and more. Definitely give it a watch – it’s informative and short. You’ll also find that this…

The post Conquer The 9-5 With IM Fuse appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by IM Fuse.

With the rise of the Internet, programs and products that promise to help you leave that 9-5 grind behind seem to have sprouted up in the thousands. However, you’ll find that some of those programs are just too technical and time-consuming to be worth it, while others offer no value whatsoever. IM Fuse makes many of the same promises those other programs do, but there’s something very different here. What makes IM Fuse stand out from the slew of other options?

Simple & Effective Layout

One of the first things you’ll notice once you become a member is that IM Fuse offers a simple, effective, intuitive dashboard layout that puts everything within easy reach. You’ll find an introductory video available that really explains what the goal of the program is, recommendations about where to start and more. Definitely give it a watch – it’s informative and short. You’ll also find that this theme (simple and effective) carries over to every other part of the site.

Below the video, you’ll see the categories from which you can choose – Video Training Series, Tools and Resources. Each is distinct, filled with value and vital for your utmost success. Let’s take a closer look at each of these sections.

Video Training Series

The video training series is really the place to start. You’ll be chomping at the bit to get out and get started, but you have to have the skills and knowledge necessary in order to do so. One way that IM Fuse stands out from other options on the market is that they tell you that upfront, and then they provide you with the training you need. You’ll find six modules on offer, including:

Module 1 – Keyword Research

5 daily videos walk you through everything you need to know about keywords, how they’re used and how to find the best ones for you.

Module 2 – Website Creation

6 daily videos demonstrate how to create a website that will work for your needs.

Module 3 – Content Creation

Content is King, and these 4 videos help you understand how to create unique, original, compelling content for your visitors.

Module 4 – Backlinking Strategy

Backlinking is vital to website visibility, but it’s confusing and difficult to do right. IM Fuse walks you through the process with 8 full videos.

Module 5 – Monetization

Monetization ensures that you can earn from your website, and these 5 videos give you strategies and solutions to ensure you can do just that.

Module 6 – Testing & Optimization

You should never release your website into the wild without it being fully tested and optimized. These 5 videos show you exactly how to do that.


IM Fuse offers a truly stunning range of tools for members to use, including Contexta Custom Search, downloads and action guides, a duplicate content checker, a skills assessment, keyword review request feature and a video training series overview that lets you jump from one video to another in different modules if you need immediate information or just a refresher.

All of the tools offered by IM Fuse are well laid out, easy to use and provide tremendous value and understanding. Once you’ve watched the video tutorials, you’ll know exactly how to put these tools to work for you in boosting your online success.


Unlike most other programs out there that cut you loose once you’ve learned a bit, IM Fuse takes things a bit further. Their Resources section is jam-packed with value and utility. One of the most important tools is their Fuse Forum, where you can interact with other members, ask questions, provide advice and more.

Of course, you get access to many other tools, including the FuseCast podcast, IM News and articles, products and reviews to help you determine what’s perfect for your needs, self-development and goal-setting tutorials and additional resources and tools recommended for the utmost success (these range from recommended webhosts to platforms, themes and add-ons for better analytics).


In the end, IM Fuse offers exactly what it promises – the means to take that 9-5 lifestyle and kick things into high gear. From in-depth video tutorials to powerful tools and resources, IM Fuse really packs a punch.

Get YOUR Website Reviewed

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Commission Warrior Review: Victory In The Battle For Real Income Thu, 17 May 2012 13:14:12 +0000 This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by Commission Warrior. Everyone seems to be touting their own Internet marketing program these days. From “gurus” to the guy down the road, it seems like everyone has found a way to make real money through online marketing – everyone but you. Of course, it’s likely that you’ve tried a few of these programs in your quest to conquer the income problem, and it’s just as likely that you’ve failed in that mission. Thankfully, Commission Warrior is here to show you the strategies and tactics necessary to not only start earning an income online, but to enjoy an automatic 6-figure income, now. Sure, right – how’s it different from those other programs, you ask? Actually, Commission Warrior is poles apart from anything else you’ve ever seen or tried. It doesn’t make empty promises and then leave you hanging, your wallet lighter and your dreams dashed. It shows you the exact schematic you…

The post Commission Warrior Review: Victory In The Battle For Real Income appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by Commission Warrior.

Everyone seems to be touting their own Internet marketing program these days. From “gurus” to the guy down the road, it seems like everyone has found a way to make real money through online marketing – everyone but you. Of course, it’s likely that you’ve tried a few of these programs in your quest to conquer the income problem, and it’s just as likely that you’ve failed in that mission. Thankfully, Commission Warrior is here to show you the strategies and tactics necessary to not only start earning an income online, but to enjoy an automatic 6-figure income, now.

Sure, right – how’s it different from those other programs, you ask? Actually, Commission Warrior is poles apart from anything else you’ve ever seen or tried. It doesn’t make empty promises and then leave you hanging, your wallet lighter and your dreams dashed. It shows you the exact schematic you need to conquer life! Creating an automatic 6-figure income is not only a possibility, but a distant reality with this program. Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll find when you hit the website.

An Overview: Design And Layout Considerations

If you’ve spent any time at all browsing around online, comparing different affiliate or Internet marketing systems, you have learned that you can often determine the quality of a program or offer by the amount of effort that went into creating the website. Low quality programs are usually identifiable by a website that looks jumbled and thrown together. They’re filled with poor quality images, chock full of typos and look like they were created by a fifth-grader.

Commission Warrior certainly blows that stereotype out of the water. As soon as you hit the main page of the website, it’s apparent just how much time and effort went into creating the graphics, the quality content and the layout. Take a look for yourself. In the screenshot below, you can clearly see how well the website’s aesthetics pull together, creating a seamless visual experience.

Immediate Understanding: Commission Warrior Arms You Immediately

How many Internet marketing programs have you looked at that made you read page after page after page of testimonials and promises before getting to the meat of the situation? Commission Warrior sets itself apart from other options by telling you immediately what it’s about. The information is all right there at the top of the page:

  • Ex-telemarketer reveals real industry secrets
  • Those secrets can generate more than $18,000 per month for you
  • It can be done on autopilot
  • There’s no setup fee and the traffic supporting the program is free as well

With other websites, it would have taken a long time to find any of that information, much less all of it. Commission Warrior ensures that you know what you’re in for as soon as you hit the page. Of course, anyone can promise big results with minimal cost, but Commission Warrior takes it a step further once more. You get more than just empty words – the promise is backed up by proof of income from several different accounts:

No Sales Letters, No PPC: Commission Warrior Arms You With Simplicity

If you have done any research on Internet marketing, you’re pretty familiar with the ways these programs work. There are several common methods used to generate income online, including article marketing, link exchanges, sales content writing, product description writing, creating and managing (and paying for!) pay per click campaigns. It sounds exhausting just reading about it. Commission Warrior is different.

The program promises (and delivers) real financial victory without the need to write a single painful sales letter. There’s no need to pen page after page of product descriptions, and there’s no need to flood the Internet with “informational” articles through article directories. There is no need to worry about the hassle and immense cost of pay per click campaigns. In fact, there’s no need to fight for traffic generation at all, nor is there any financial investment that has to be made upfront.

Sounds pretty tempting, doesn’t it? If you’ve “been there and done that” before, you might say, “Yes, it’s tempting, but…” Overcoming that hesitation can be tough, particularly if you’ve been burned by Internet marketing systems in the past. How do you know this is REALLY on the up and up? Skepticism is natural and, honestly, probably a good thing where online marketing is concerned. You can put your fears about this program to rest, though.

As the site says, this is, “a real, tried and tested method, and NOT yet another ‘push button software scheme’ or so-called ‘traffic loophole’ that some guy just discovered under a rock.”

Conquering The World through Passive Performance

With a name like “Commission Warrior”, you might not think that the program has anything to do with passivity. However, that’s exactly what this opportunity offers – the chance to create accounts that perform consistently, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year.

You’ll find reference after reference, account after account provided as proof to you that the system not only works, but works automatically once you get it up and running. “Of course,” you say, “that’s the catch, right?” No – there’s no catch.

What It Takes To Set Up For Victory

If you’re as cynical as most of us who’ve been through program after program, you’re probably pretty sure that the “catch” to this program is in the setup. Perhaps it does offer real income generation for months after you set it up. Perhaps it does really perform year after year after creation. Buy you probably think that getting the thing up and running is an exercise in frustration. Anyone who’s been there before knows just how painful it can be to create accounts, go through the setup process and make sure everything is up and running correctly, not to mention how difficult it is to find an affiliate product that is actually in demand.

This is another area where you’ll find Commission Warrior differs from other programs. Where you might expect to spend days, or even weeks creating accounts, Commission Warrior lets you do it in just a couple of  hours. Once the account is up and running, you can kick back and let it work for you. In fact, it’s almost completely automatic. The beauty of this system is that it allows you to spend as little as an hour per day, requires no ongoing maintenance and, best of all, there’s no need to go out and hunt down traffic for your sites.

Click here to check out Commission Warrior

Conquer Income Problems With 3 Simple Steps

Now, let’s get into the nuts and bolts of what Commission Warrior is and what it does. Internet marketing can take a lot of different forms. However, perhaps the most respected affiliate site out there is ClickBank – it’s been around for years, is well known and is respected for the variety of products you can choose. Commission Warrior shows you how to use ClickBank products to create simple, tiny websites that offer big, big rewards, as easy as 1-2-3.

Unlike most other programs out there, Commission Warrior tells you right upfront what you need to do within the system. There’s no need to sign up to receive their emails, take a phone call or pay a “deposit” to find out what really happens in the system or what the basic steps are. It puts everything out front for you, so you know what you’re getting from the outset.

Step 1

Step one is pretty simple – you just pick a product from the immense number of offerings on ClickBank. This is one area where Commission Warrior really shines. The program shows you how to pick the RIGHT products for your sites. It shows you how to ensure that the products you choose are actually in demand and will remain so.

Step 2

Step two is building your CW site. While it might sound complicated, the program walks you through site creation, making sure that you know exactly how to make your microsite perform and stay performing for years to come.

Step 3

The last step isn’t much of a step at all. You just kick back and watch your sites perform. You spend an hour here and there maintaining your systems, you build new sites and you watch as your income goes up. It’s as simple as that.

Why The Commission Warrior Strategy Offers Success

As mentioned several times throughout this review, Internet marketing programs are a dime a dozen today. They rely on making big promises about exploiting secret loopholes or ultra-new technologies. If you have a grain of common sense, you know those programs are little more than huckster schemes designed to separate you from your money. They don’t work. They never have.

Commission Warrior doesn’t rely on any of those “secrets”. There’s no marketing guru behind this – there’s a guy named David Bauer, who figured out what works at the age of 17 while working as a telemarketer.

What really makes CW stand out from the crowd of other options is the fact that David stands behind the program and guarantees your success. If you don’t find financial success and the program doesn’t work for you, there’s an ironclad, 100% money-back guarantee during the first 60 days. That’s two full months to make sure that you really are seeing success.

In The End

In the end, Commission Warrior offers what other programs don’t – the chance to make real money through Internet marketing. There are no “secrets”, no push-button software to master, and no gurus to manage your life. CW is what it claims to be and nothing more – a way to earn a real living and take control of your life.

Click here to check out Commission Warrior

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The Laptop Millionaire Review: How Anyone Can Escape The 9 To 5 And Make Money Online Thu, 10 May 2012 02:31:24 +0000 This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by The Laptop Millionaire. “This weekend I read Mark Anastasi’s new book, ‘The Laptop Millionaire’. It’s the story of how the author lost his job, and became homeless by the age of 23. One day he meets this guy – the eponymous ‘Laptop Millionaire’, a 40-year old entrepreneur from Yorkshire in England – who after a lot of pleading and prodding finally accepts to show him how he makes money thanks to the Internet. Within a month Mark is making $300 a day on the Internet, and returns to his mentor for more advice. In the book, the author explains that he’s tested hundreds of different Internet opportunities and strategies over the years – most of them a complete waste of time – and he reveals the 32 proven ways he’s found for making $1,000 to $30,000 a month with just a laptop and an Internet connection. These strategies are illustrated by…

The post The Laptop Millionaire Review: How Anyone Can Escape The 9 To 5 And Make Money Online appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is posted by Valerie and sponsored by The Laptop Millionaire.

“This weekend I read Mark Anastasi’s new book, ‘The Laptop Millionaire’.

It’s the story of how the author lost his job, and became homeless by the age of 23.

One day he meets this guy – the eponymous ‘Laptop Millionaire’, a 40-year old entrepreneur from Yorkshire in England – who after a lot of pleading and prodding finally accepts to show him how he makes money thanks to the Internet.

Within a month Mark is making $300 a day on the Internet, and returns to his mentor for more advice.

In the book, the author explains that he’s tested hundreds of different Internet opportunities and strategies over the years – most of them a complete waste of time – and he reveals the 32 proven ways he’s found for making $1,000 to $30,000 a month with just a laptop and an Internet connection. These strategies are illustrated by the case studies and success stories of more than 100 of his students from around the world and from all walks of life.

That’s what I enjoyed the most in the book – those personal stories about how people changed their lives by tapping into the Internet economy.

For example it tells the story of Alexandra and Matt, who started an Internet business selling a ‘how to build your own chicken coop’ guidebook after listening to the author. They now make a few thousand dollars a month thanks to free traffic from Google and YouTube, and they were able to leave cold and rainy England and move with their children to a new home in sunny Italy!

Or how insurance salesman Joey B. hated his job, and after attending Mark’s seminar discovered how to use Twitter to build a small following online. Within a short time he got 2,000 subscribers on his email mailing list, and started making $2,000 a month as an affiliate marketer. He was able to quit his job, and the following year his wife was able to quit her job too. Now they both work together, from home, and they love that freedom and independence.

There’s another 100 stories like this in the book, detailing how these people did it and what worked for them.

A lot of entrepreneurs are now choosing to be laptop entrepreneurs – running multinational Internet businesses from their laptop, sometimes spending as little as just $750 a month, compared to the tens of thousands that it costs to run a bricks-and-mortar business – and are moving away to countries like Thailand, Costa Rica, Chile, Spain, etc. where the cost of living is much lower and the quality of life is much better.

According to this book, over 1 trillion dollars a year is now spent online, and millions of people worldwide are making a full-time living from home, thanks to the Internet.

The author claims that ‘financial independence starts at 400 clicks a day’ and that ‘instead of looking for a job, people should look at creating their own economies’.

Well, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to give up your job, in these uncertain economic times (unemployment is 25% in certain parts of Europe at the moment…)

But whether you need an extra hundred dollars a week or you want to start an Internet empire, this book gives you the tools, advice, and inspiration you need.

You can get a copy of ‘The Laptop Millionaire’ (and millions of dollars in bonuses) at

Get YOUR Website Reviewed

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Advantages & Disadvantages of PayPal for Your Online Business Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:00:41 +0000 Before we discuss the advantages & disadvantages of PayPal, you may be interested in our digital marketing services. Let us help your online business with: Web Design & Development Search Engine Optimization PPC Ad Management Social Media Marketing PayPal happens to be the most widely used online payment processor in the world. They are considered to be the most reliable money transfer method. Those who hardly knew anything about this, it’s time to know about it and understand the pros and cons of this system. PayPal is generally used for money transfer using the e-commerce tool from one place to another. An estimate says that there are more than 87 million users all across the world who benefit from the services of PayPal. Despite having all the advantages, PayPal also has a number of demerits, let’s discuss some of them: Advantages of PayPal 1. Trusted Name Many people who shop avoid giving their credit card or checking account details to…

The post Advantages & Disadvantages of PayPal for Your Online Business appeared first on Carl Ocab.

Before we discuss the advantages & disadvantages of PayPal, you may be interested in our digital marketing services. Let us help your online business with:

PayPal happens to be the most widely used online payment processor in the world. They are considered to be the most reliable money transfer method. Those who hardly knew anything about this, it’s time to know about it and understand the pros and cons of this system.

PayPal is generally used for money transfer using the e-commerce tool from one place to another. An estimate says that there are more than 87 million users all across the world who benefit from the services of PayPal. Despite having all the advantages, PayPal also has a number of demerits, let’s discuss some of them:

Advantages of PayPal

1. Trusted Name

Many people who shop avoid giving their credit card or checking account details to any vendor or online store. Since PayPal’s role is somewhere in between the two, the Web store never gets the bank details of any customer. Hence the customers get trust and confidence of shopping from anywhere using the PayPal account.

2. Ease In Execution

Incorporating the e-commerce system at your website can be an expensive business. Hence small-time vendors and smaller groups prefer to use the services of PayPal, where they don’t have to invest much and get the money transferred safely to their account. The system of PayPal is easy to use and understand wherein it creates everything right from invoicing to the safe fund transfer.

3. Free To Execute

Though the PayPal charges some small amount for this money transfer by the customers under a transaction fee, it permits your small business to use their services for free. The larger groups can avail their option of Website Payments Pro Plan, which gives them the opportunity to receive money straight to these big shot’s website. This saves some money.

Disadvantages of PayPal

1. Locked Accounts

There are lots of security issues and a threat of terrorists using these services, the US government has strict regulations enacted which demands to limit the number of transactions through PayPal. Hence you will find PayPal blocking your account in case if it notices any kind of suspicious situation. The accounts can remain frozen for long till the PayPal investigates it thoroughly and gives a clean chit. This period could last for months thus preventing the business groups to extract money from their accounts.

2. Corporate Access To Your Bank Account

Though PayPal acts as a cushion between people shopping and their bank details, it gives them to have access to the customer’s bank accounts. Due to this, you may find your funds getting deducted even without your authorization or knowledge in case chargeback conditions are met by the consumers.

3. No Outside Arbitration

If there is any dispute between the user and the PayPal over the issues of charges of fraud, the account of the user gets frozen. This goes for other administrative issues owing to the limited resources. PayPal’s service terms give the company the power over all funds in their possession, while the investigation is put forth without giving any documentation to the user.

Final Word

You will find millions of users across the world and have embarked with as a trusted name in money transfer over the internet. People benefit in many ways using PayPal for their online shopping and auctions over the internet. However, the service is not suitable for all types of business. You may lose your valuable money than reaping the benefits promised to you.

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Finding Online Success with the Help of Thu, 13 May 2010 04:55:48 +0000 This article is written by Valerie and sponsored by Finding real, lasting success with an online business can be quite difficult if you choose to go it alone. Numerous small business owners find the process of making money from their websites onerous at best. At worst, it can lead to failure. However, with the tools and help offered by, small business owners can increase their profitability to an incredible degree. What’s on offer here? The Most Significant Hurdle Faced by Small Businesses Online In many ways, the most significant challenge any small business will face on the Internet is developing a steady stream of revenue from their website. offers a means to circumvent this problem – the ability to earn substantial income selling links on your website. Simply by selling links within the pages of your website, you are able to radically increase your revenue by a sizable amount. Through this strategy, you are able to transform…

The post Finding Online Success with the Help of appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is written by Valerie and sponsored by

Finding real, lasting success with an online business can be quite difficult if you choose to go it alone. Numerous small business owners find the process of making money from their websites onerous at best. At worst, it can lead to failure. However, with the tools and help offered by, small business owners can increase their profitability to an incredible degree. What’s on offer here?

The Most Significant Hurdle Faced by Small Businesses Online

In many ways, the most significant challenge any small business will face on the Internet is developing a steady stream of revenue from their website. offers a means to circumvent this problem – the ability to earn substantial income selling links on your website.

Simply by selling links within the pages of your website, you are able to radically increase your revenue by a sizable amount. Through this strategy, you are able to transform your website or blog into a true moneymaking machine.

The Google Ramifications

Wait, doesn’t Google frown on buying and selling links? How can this help you gain better profitability? Is there a risk of being blacklisted? Another area in which excels is in security – for their clients. The website offers top-notch security through powerful applications that ensure their clients’ websites remain anonymous. In short, there is no way for Google to locate these websites, so there is no fear of problematic repercussions.
The 11 Benefits on Offer with

In order to understand just how much your website can profit from using this service, you need to understand the eleven benefits found using this service. First, clients are able earn between $50 to $1,000 per month from a single site by selling links. In addition, the company guarantees long-term clients with minimal link placement.

Automated monthly payments are another excellent reason to sign up for this business opportunity, and ensure financial peace of mind. Another benefit is the fact that the company charges no membership fees or fees for participating in the program. In addition, as the company does all the legwork in finding clients, you have no time lost.

The system is simple, user-friendly and effective. Unless you so desire, there’s not even a need to install anything on your website. With the fact that you will host only related links, there is the added benefit of contextual advertising, while the natural link placement ensures that there are no awkward design problems of flaws. Of course, if you so choose, you can enjoy bulk sales on multiple pages throughout your website. Finally, you can enjoy additional cash flow quite easily with this option.

The Three Guarantees

Most companies are content to offer their programs without any guarantee at all. Top-notch companies do offer a guarantee. However, offers three guarantees to provide you with peace of mind about your decision. What guarantees are offered?

First, guarantees that you will receive payment for each link for at least 6 months (so long as the link is in place and your website is working properly). Second, they guarantee that payments for sold links will be automatically made on a timely basis. Finally, they guarantee that your personal information, as well as your website URL are strictly confidential, and will not be shared or sold to a third party.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, offers some significant benefits for those who choose to make use of their programs. In addition, their ironclad guarantees ensure that you are able to enjoy considerable peace of mind concerning your payments, the security of your personal and professional information, and your success.

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What Makes Some People So Successful At Internet Marketing? Sat, 13 Feb 2010 11:13:58 +0000 I must admit this blog has been inactive. Today I’ll revive it – and this time, it’s on. The last couple of months I got the most severe case of… guess what? MULTI TASKING. Seriously, I’ve been juggling 5 projects. Add to that the holidays plus school work (I’m at senior year, high school) All this time I’ve been blind. Multi tasking… Made me work more And work more… BUT with all those work, believe it or not, my earnings decreased. The TRUE Secret With that experience, I realized how important the tip “focus” is. I knew it before and I’ve heard of it a lot of times but I never really paid that much attention to it. But before that, let me show some examples (cause i find it funny that even before, focus really IS the true secret) 300 – 300 Spartans fought thousands of Persian soldiers by focusing on one little narrow pass called Thermopylae. They funneled…

The post What Makes Some People So Successful At Internet Marketing? appeared first on Carl Ocab.

I must admit this blog has been inactive.

Today I’ll revive it – and this time, it’s on.

The last couple of months I got the most severe case of… guess what?


Seriously, I’ve been juggling 5 projects. Add to that the holidays plus school work (I’m at senior year, high school)

All this time I’ve been blind. Multi tasking…

  • Made me work more
  • And work more…

BUT with all those work, believe it or not, my earnings decreased.

The TRUE Secret

With that experience, I realized how important the tip “focus” is. I knew it before and I’ve heard of it a lot of times but I never really paid that much attention to it.

But before that, let me show some examples (cause i find it funny that even before, focus really IS the true secret)

300 – 300 Spartans fought thousands of Persian soldiers by focusing on one little narrow pass called Thermopylae. They funneled all the Persian soldiers in one pass and concentrated on only one side.

Blitzkrieg – The infamous blitzkrieg, focus on one single area and flood em’ with tanks, soldiers and air power. Served the German pretty well.

NBA – Ok that’s a weird jump but I think that also proves that FOCUS can be, should be applied anywhere.

Most players on the NBA before (way back! The time when they didn’t have a 3 point line) were all rounded. To play you have to be good at dribbling, shooting, rebounding and all skills. But look how players play today, each player focuses on 1 skill. One is good at dribbling, one at shooting, one at rebounding then they put it all together. They play better.

How did that happen? Because each player were able to train and master a specific skill instead of practicing all of it to get well rounded.

Here’s The Game Plan…

Now let’s put that into a business perspective. Let’s say you’ve got 3 projects. Each project consists of 3 weeks of work, on the 3rd week you make money.

The multitasker, let’s call him Thomas just for the sake of sounding cool, would do:

Week 1 – Project 1
Week 2 – Project 2
Week 3 – Project 3
Week 4 – Project 1
Week 5 – Project 2
Week 6 – Project 3
Week 7 – Complete Project 1 and Make Money!
Week 8 – Complete Project 2 and Make Money!
Week 9 – Complete Project 3 and Make Money!

That means it took Thomas 7 weeks before he started making money.

Now here’s Hocus Focus Max would do:

Week 1 – Project 1
Week 2 – Project 1
Week 3 – Complete Project 1 and Make Money!
Week 4 – Project 2
Week 5 – Project 2
Week 6 – Complete Project 2 and Make Money!
Week 7 – Project 3
Week 8 – Project 3
Week 9 – Complete Project 3 and Make Money!

The Blind Side

(Coincidental title, heh. Saw the movie btw – very touching and inspirational)

To me this is very crucial because I’ve missed this for a long time.

As you can see, Thomas makes money on weeks 7, 8 and 9 but Hocus Focus Max makes money on weeks 3, 6 and 9. That means Max makes money earlier and if Max is even smarter, he’ll use that money to finish the other projects faster.

Thomas however, makes money on the last 3 weeks – but that doesn’t include the time between switching projects to work on.

The post What Makes Some People So Successful At Internet Marketing? appeared first on Carl Ocab.

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There Are Always 2 Sides To Every (Internet Business) Story Mon, 25 Jan 2010 12:10:58 +0000 This article is guest posted by Welly Mulia. The idea of building and running a profitable Internet business from the comfort of your own home sounds great, and I’ve seen a lot of people get very excited at the thought of doing this. As great and awesome that may sound, one has to carefully think about the effects of building an Internet business, both from the positive and negative aspects. You might think that there can ONLY be positive effects since everyone out there is talking how they are making 5 or 6 figure per month easily and effortlessly. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course there are going to be NEGATIVE effects as well. Not only in business, in everything that we do there are always going to be 2 sides to every coin. So what kind of negative effects are we talking about? You see, when trying to build a successful online business, 99% of…

The post There Are Always 2 Sides To Every (Internet Business) Story appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is guest posted by Welly Mulia.

The idea of building and running a profitable Internet business from the comfort of your own home sounds great, and I’ve seen a lot of people get very excited at the thought of doing this.

As great and awesome that may sound, one has to carefully think about the effects of building an Internet business, both from the positive and negative aspects.

You might think that there can ONLY be positive effects since everyone out there is talking how they are making 5 or 6 figure per month easily and effortlessly.

Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

Of course there are going to be NEGATIVE effects as well. Not only in business, in everything that we do there are always going to be 2 sides to every coin.

So what kind of negative effects are we talking about?

You see, when trying to build a successful online business, 99% of the time you’re NOT going to make any money at all when you’re just getting started.


Because you’re still learning the ropes of the game.

Let me ask you this question: “Let’s suppose you have never played tennis before, but you want to be good at it. Can you be good at the sport in a very short period of time?”

The answer is NO!

The same thing goes when trying to build a successful Internet business from scratch without much knowledge and experience. Heck, it’s not just about building an Internet business, it applies to every endeavor that you’re trying to learn and conquer.

Business in general, not just Internet or online business, is about investing for the future. I’m not talking about investing in shares, bonds, options or the likes. I’m talking about investing in our business NOW so that the business generates profits for us in the future.

Like what I’ve said earlier, when you’re just starting out to build your Internet business, your income for the first few months will most likely be zero. Even if you’ve managed to earn any money during this time, they will most likely be pennies.

You work on your business 30 or 40 hours per week and you don’t see any results. What do you do? Do you give up like most people do? Or do you continue to work hard and fine tune your business along the way?

You may only start to see results a year or two from now, but when you’ve successfully made that first dollar, then it’s going to be easier to make subsequent dollars.

Once you hit the next breakthrough in your business, your business has the potential to grow exponentially.

In fact, it’s very possible to grow your business exponentially while working less. You do this by having systems and quality team members in place to run the business WITHOUT you.

This is what I call the entrepreneur spirit.

Contrast this when you work as a full time employee for a company. You get paid a fix salary each and every month. You have peace of mind and can concentrate on your work because you know that at the end of the month you’re going to get paid by the company.

You get your full time salary at the end of the first month, at the end of next month, the month after, and so on. However, your income increases on a linear basis (usually only once per year).

Initially when just starting out, most people would rather be in the full time employee position because of the fix salary they can bring home every month. However as time goes on and the business keeps on improving, people would no doubt choose to be in the business owner position rather than just an employee whose income increases only linearly.

But that’s just how it works.

Entrepreneurs are rewarded for their determination and perseverance during the toughest of times, and are rewarded when their business starts to take off and make them even more money while working less.

Employees who have been enjoying consistent, fixed income continue to bring in that amount for the rest of their working lives while still having to work the normal 9 to 5.

Clearer picture

Having read this far, you should now have a clearer picture of the risks and rewards associated with building and running your own online business. Don’t simply jump in and get your feet wet at the thought of making money online from your Internet business. Consider carefully the advantages as well as disadvantages as outlined above.

Again, there’s always 2 sides to every story…

INSTANTLY Claim Your $488 FREE Internet Marketing Gifts That Will Show And Teach You How To Build A CONSISTENT Four Figure Per Month Online Business FAST!

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How to Make More Money Without Getting More Traffic Mon, 29 Jun 2009 02:23:53 +0000 This is a guest post by Shaun Connell. Very few bloggers have reached their income goals. Unfortunately, most seem to think that the way to achieve their income goals is by just crushing as much traffic as they can through their blog, somehow expecting the traffic to convert into more traffic, popularity and links until the money starts to flow. But that’s not usually the case. In this post we’ll cover the other side of increasing your revenue: focusing on making your blog’s monetization more efficient. Doing this will allow you to up your income without having to actually increase your traffic. Traffic is Often Overrated I have several websites that pull anywhere from a few hundred visitors per day to a few thousand. Oddly enough to some, my most trafficked blog isn’t my biggest income blog. I can’t stress this enough: Lot’s of traffic does not equal lots of money. Traffic is just a fuel. It doesn’t matter how…

The post How to Make More Money Without Getting More Traffic appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This is a guest post by Shaun Connell.

Very few bloggers have reached their income goals. Unfortunately, most seem to think that the way to achieve their income goals is by just crushing as much traffic as they can through their blog, somehow expecting the traffic to convert into more traffic, popularity and links until the money starts to flow.

But that’s not usually the case. In this post we’ll cover the other side of increasing your revenue: focusing on making your blog’s monetization more efficient. Doing this will allow you to up your income without having to actually increase your traffic.

Traffic is Often Overrated

I have several websites that pull anywhere from a few hundred visitors per day to a few thousand. Oddly enough to some, my most trafficked blog isn’t my biggest income blog.

I can’t stress this enough: Lot’s of traffic does not equal lots of money.

Traffic is just a fuel. It doesn’t matter how much or what kind of fuel you put into your riding lawnmower, it will never beat a racecar. When you’re trying to go as fast as you can, you need to focus on your engine.

Of course, the engine of making money online is how you actually monetize your website. Increasing the efficiency of your “engine” will let you go much faster than just tinkering with the fuel. If you efficiently monetize your website, you can literally double your income without seeing a change in traffic at all.

If you’ve read any of my articles before, you know I’m a huge fan of systematic business. An online business is a business just the same. Every internet business needs a business plan, as I explained in The 1-2-3 Plan: How to Make Money With SEO.

But enough theory. Let’s look at actual ways to you can increase you monetization’s efficiency without needing to increase traffic.

How to Convert Traffic Better

Re-Research Your Niche. Research your niche to find out which keywords are the highest paying. No guess work. If you have to, get a pen and paper out and use Google’s keyword tool. Now reorganize your post titles and keywords to make sure you’re targeting the highest paying keywords. I’ve seen this increase my AdSense earnings nearly 50%

Place Advertisements Better. Where you place your ads are critical to their success. For AdSense, the ads most likely to be clicked should be at the top of the page. Don’t forget about Google’s link units. These are surprisingly good at nudging your CTR up a few notches, and are grossly underused by bloggers in general.

Diversify Your Income. Most blogs are undermonetized. Use AdSense, Chitika, Infolinks, private ad sales and affiliate programs can all be used on the same blog — without making it look spammy. The combined income from all of these should be a full time income in most niches after just a few thousand impressions. It certainly is in all of my niches. I doubled my income in 36 hours after adding Infolinks and Chitika. They work together perfectly.

Check Out Kontera or Infolinks. Kontera and Infolinks ad “contextual” advertisements posed as links throughout your content. My EPM with Infolinks is around $3, which means it’s rivaling my adsense income. It’s a professional yet high-earning way to monetize your content.

Create a Newsletter Funnel. Newsletters aren’t just for gurus. Every blog should have one. Create a valuable and profitable newsletter by sending a sales pitch, then a tip, then a sales pitch, then a tip, and so on. By “sandwhiching” your pitches and tips, you can increase your trust, and the likelyhood that your emails actually get read. This can earn you an income from a visitor who might never return to your site.

Conclusion and Last Words

The whole point of making money online is monetization. Get your monetization right, and you can shorten the time it’s taking to quit your job and make money online full-time.

Experiment all you want, but always remember: the point of your content is making money. When your content starts to function independently of earning an income, you’re wasting traffic, and are that much further from achieving your goals. Good luck!

Shaun Connell is a full-time blogger and internet marketer. He runs he aptly named blog “Make Money Online“, and spends his time testing new and off-the-wall ways to make money with his dozen or so websites and blogs.

Write For This Blog

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7 Secrets To Eyeball-Sucking Ad Banners Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:47:51 +0000 Anyone with a good slice of creativity can fire up Photoshop and whip out a good looking banner in a jiff – but not anyone can whip out a banner that’s a click magnet that still – looks good. Not anyone until now. I know I’ve been out for awhile, and the reason I keep telling you guys is that I manage a lot of stuff lately, especially right now because I was so blessed that I was able to get my own office with a full time programmer – which is pretty cool to say the least. Someone calling you “sir” just ups the ante. So to get back to the game, I’ve compiled a couple of insider secrets that happen to work and get good results when I make banners for the advertisers on this blog. And these insider secrets, doesn’t need you to be a graphics expert or a high paid copywriter, these secrets are the kinds…

The post 7 Secrets To Eyeball-Sucking Ad Banners appeared first on Carl Ocab.

Anyone with a good slice of creativity can fire up Photoshop and whip out a good looking banner in a jiff – but not anyone can whip out a banner that’s a click magnet that still – looks good.

Not anyone until now.

I know I’ve been out for awhile, and the reason I keep telling you guys is that I manage a lot of stuff lately, especially right now because I was so blessed that I was able to get my own office with a full time programmer – which is pretty cool to say the least. Someone calling you “sir” just ups the ante.

So to get back to the game, I’ve compiled a couple of insider secrets that happen to work and get good results when I make banners for the advertisers on this blog.

And these insider secrets, doesn’t need you to be a graphics expert or a high paid copywriter, these secrets are the kinds that you can do by yourself.

1. Know Who Are The People You Are Talking To

The ad above is the one I give out to Ultimate Blogging Theme affiliates – and they work great. If you look at the first line of the banner, it calls all the bloggers. The Ultimate Blogging Theme is a product for bloggers so most likely, my affiliates place this banner on sites where most people have blogs.

Having the line “hey bloggers” get people’s attention because they can relate.

2. Short And Sweet, To The Point

People on the internet have less time compared offline.

The thing is, there’s a big “x” button on the upper right hand corner of the screen. There’s also a nifty back button on the browser – and there are tons of websites to visit. A lot of choices, so why would they stay on your site?

Like they say, the first 3 seconds is your chance to impress, to make them stay or to tell them your message.

3. Curiosity, Curiosity, Curiosity

This ad has been on my blog for quite some time. With a little dash of attitude, POOF! Click magnet!

Curiosity is one of the most effective techniques to get people to click, it’s human nature – we want to know more, we don’t need to, but we “want” to.

It’s powerful, especially when you add this ingredient…

4. Benefit, Benefit, Benefit

I’m letting you in in a little secret… that green little ad you see above, is by far, the most effective ad on my blog.

Simple, straight forward – benefit.

All the stuff we do, we do it because we benefit from them.

Let’s have a little question and answer here, for example, the people who go to the gym.

  • Why do you go to the gym? – to lose weight
  • Why do you want to lose weight? – to look good
  • Why do you want to look good? – to impress others, to feel good

Everything we do, there’s a benefit – that’s what keeps us going.

5. Easy To Read

The most often question people ask about ad typography…

“What font should I use?”

Some people say, Arial, some say Times New Roman, Georgia, Tahoma, Verdana, the list goes on – the results varied.

But what most people forgot to test is – the font the blog is using. In other words, blending the ad to the blog.

Now what happens here is that your ad gets read more often because the typography is the same as the blog and people think it’s not an ad.

Also, one thing – don’t let readability suffer for design.

6. Salestickies (Handwritten text)

In the contrary, you can standout. Handwritten texts just grab attention like a man sleeping in a rock concert.

What can I say it’s unique. Have a look at this…


If you want to download some Salestickies, you can check out my Direct Response Templates, it’s one of the bonuses.

7. Namedropping

This simple edit will only take you a minute to implement on your ads but you’ll get something big in return.

For example, you can turn…

“How to rank high in the search engines”


“How to rank high on Google”

“Make money with videos”


“Make money with Youtube”

Test, Test, Test!

The good thing about online advertising is you can implement changes quickly. In a matter of minutes, you can change the banner ad that shows up on your website. In a matter of seconds, you can change the copy of your AdWords ad.

The internet is testing paradise.

You should use this to your advantage because not all these tips work on all places.

Like my favorite speaker/author Tom Peters always say…

“Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.”

The post 7 Secrets To Eyeball-Sucking Ad Banners appeared first on Carl Ocab.

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Avoid PayPal Problems By Learning How To Use PayPal Safely Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:56:26 +0000 This article is guest posted by Joel of I recommend you take time reading this… If you’ve been using PayPal for a while, you’ve probably come accross a number of “PayPal horror stories” by PayPal users who got “back stabbed” by PayPal’s poor seller protection, and customer support. This has caused websites like,, and to emerge. By reading a couple of them, you will quickly realize that most of these stories include sellers being scammed by buyers, etc. and how PayPal fails to provide any time of support. You might be a happy PayPal user right now, but it can happen to you. Here are a few tips that should help you use PayPal safely, and keep your chances of getting back stabbed at a minimum: Be honest When you sign up for a PayPal account, make sure all the information is 100% correct. If you ever have to deal with a PayPal problem, they will…

The post Avoid PayPal Problems By Learning How To Use PayPal Safely appeared first on Carl Ocab.

This article is guest posted by Joel of I recommend you take time reading this…

If you’ve been using PayPal for a while, you’ve probably come accross a number of “PayPal horror stories” by PayPal users who got “back stabbed” by PayPal’s poor seller protection, and customer support. This has caused websites like,, and to emerge.

By reading a couple of them, you will quickly realize that most of these stories include sellers being scammed by buyers, etc. and how PayPal fails to provide any time of support.

You might be a happy PayPal user right now, but it can happen to you. Here are a few tips that should help you use PayPal safely, and keep your chances of getting back stabbed at a minimum:

Be honest

When you sign up for a PayPal account, make sure all the information is 100% correct.

If you ever have to deal with a PayPal problem, they will probably require you to fax them a couple of official documents that are supposed to verify that you are you.

They usually ask for your ID, passport, bank statements, driver’s license, or even copies of your last utility bills.

If for any reason, there is something wrong, PayPal isn’t going to help you out. Not that they would otherwise either…

Don’t deal with unverified members

Unless it’s for low amounts of money, avoid dealing with unverified members. Even though this rule is a given (most scammers are unverified), PayPal may take over your account just because they “feel” that you’ve dealt with someone who “might” be suspicious.

Avoid dealing with unverified members from questionable countries.

You should also avoid dealing with unverified members from questionable countries. I don’t have a list per se, but I understand that PayPal keeps an eye on countries from Asia and the middle east. This is a shame, really, because I know some very respectable people from there :(

But the truth is that is in those regions where most of the scammers operate, so you should keep an eye on who you’re dealing with.

Avoid unusually large transactions.

While small transactions like a couple of bucks to a few hundred dollars, or maybe even a thousand might slip under PayPal’s high security measures, large transactions tend to alarm PayPal. This frequently results in the funds being frozen until PayPal verifies it’s not fraudulent (and you’ve seen how inefficient PayPal is when it comes to fraud detection). If you must send or receive large amounts of money, consider using XOOM, or dividing the transaction in 2/4/etc.

Do not apply for a Business account if you do not have a registered business.

This is how it works:

  • Personal accounts are for individuals who mainly use PayPal to purchase online, and receive money casually.
  • Premier accounts are for individuals who buy AND sell online.
  • Business accounts are for those who mainly use PayPal to sell online, and maybe buy as well.

I think it’s pretty clear, but let me tell you something. If you sell online, a Business account might be very attractive. It’s “fancy”: you buy and sell under your own business name, your clients or customers see that you are a business, it improves trust, etc.

But, if you do not have a registered business, with a business bank account, you should not open a Business account. Technically, you can open a business account, but you shouldn’t. This is why:

I used to have a business account, and it was awesome because of all the benefits it had. But then, reading a couple of “horror stories” I realized something: when there’s an issue, PayPal frequently requests documents like driver’s license, and utility bills as mentioned above.

I figured that if you have a business account, they will ask for your business papers, and related documents. And if you don’t have them, you’ve got a problem. I immediately created a premier account, transferred my money to it, and closed the business account.

So, if you don’t have a registered business, avoid problems and go for a Premier account.

Don’t open 2 accounts, unless…

You should not open 2 accounts. There is a relatively low chance that PayPal will find out if you do not have any problems, but should problems arise, PayPal might find this out and close your account.

However, you are allowed to have more than one account if:

  1. You want a Personal account for yourself and a Premier/Business account for your business. Remember each should have different addresses, e-mails, bank account details, and credit/debit cards.
  2. You moved. If you moved countries, then it’s OK to open a new PayPal account for your new country of residence because PayPal does not allow you to change your country. However, you should delete your old account for security purposes.

Keep your account balance at a minimum, withdraw as much as possible.

This is pretty much common sense, but it should be mentioned nonetheless. Always keep your PayPal balance at a minimum, and withdraw your money ASAP. I’ve seen people keep up to $16,000 (true story!) on their PayPal account. Now imagine if their account gets seized!

I personally try to keep my balance at around $100 for my purchases, and I withdraw as soon as my balance reaches $200-$300.

Those are just some of the tips and tricks on how to avoid getting scammed through or by PayPal. To read the full guide, head out to, where you will learn everything you need to know about the subject!

The post Avoid PayPal Problems By Learning How To Use PayPal Safely appeared first on Carl Ocab.

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